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Australian Native Plants
Image | Name | Plant Description | Pot Size | Retail Price |
ABUTELON "Boule de Neige" | "Boule de Neige" | 17cm | $18.90 | |
ACACIA "Honey Bun" | "Honey Bun" | 20cm | $24.90 | |
ACACIA "Winter Flame" | "Winter Flame" | 20cm | $22.00 | |
ACACIA lasiocarpa prostrate form | lasiocarpa prostrate form | 14cm | $13.90 | |
ADENANTHOS "Silver Streak" | Silver Streak | 14cm | $13.90 | |
ADENANTHOS cuneatus "Coral Carpet" | cuneatus "Coral Carpet" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
ADENANTHOS cunninghamii "Silver Sands" | cunninghamii "Silver Sands" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
ADENANTHOS detmoldii | detmoldii | 14cm | $13.90 | |
ADENANTHOS sericeus "Bronze Glow" | Bronze Glow | 20cm | $22.00 | |
ADENANTHOS sericeus "Dwarf Albany Woollybush" | sericeus "Dwarf Albany Woollybush" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
ADENANTHOS sericeus "Pencil Perfect" | sericeus "Pencil Perfect" | 20cm | $22.00 | |
AGONIS flexuosa | flexuosa | 35lt | $88.00 | |
AGONIS flexuosa | flexuosa | 6lt | $24.90 | |
ALYOGYNE huegelii "Blue Heeler" | huegelii "Blue Heeler" | 14cm | $13.50 | |
ALYOGYNE huegelii "Misty" | huegelii "Misty" | 20cm | $22.00 | |
ANGOPHORA costata "Sydney Red Gum" | costata "Sydney Red Gum" | 6lt | $24.90 | |
ANIGOZANTHUS "Big Red" | "Big Red" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
ANIGOZANTHUS "Bush Ballad" | "Bush Ballad" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
ANIGOZANTHUS "Bush Blitz" | "Bush Blitz" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
ANIGOZANTHUS "Bush Dance" | Red and Green Flower on Blue Green foliage | 14cm | $13.90 | |
ANIGOZANTHUS "Bush Diamond" | "Bush Diamond" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
ANIGOZANTHUS "Bush Elegance" | "Bush Elegance" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
ANIGOZANTHUS "Bush Fire" | "Bush Fire" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
ANIGOZANTHUS "Bush Fury" | "Bush Fury" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
ANIGOZANTHUS "Bush Pearl" | "Bush Pearl" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
ANIGOZANTHUS "Celebrations Aussie Spirit" PBR | "Celebrations Aussie Spirit" PBR | 14cm | $14.90 | |
ANIGOZANTHUS "Celebrations Carnivale" PBR | "Celebrations Carnivale" PBR | 14cm | $14.90 | |
ANIGOZANTHUS "Celebrations Fireworks" PBR | "Celebrations Fireworks" PBR | 14cm | $14.90 | |
ANIGOZANTHUS "Celebrations Masquarade" PBR | "Celebrations Masquarade" PBR | 14cm | $14.90 | |
ANIGOZANTHUS "Frosty Red" | "Frosty Red" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
ANIGOZANTHUS "Frosty Yellow" | "Frosty Yellow" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
ANIGOZANTHUS "Gold Velvet" PBR | "Gold Velvet" PBR | 14cm | $13.90 | |
ANIGOZANTHUS "Landscape Lilac" | "Landscape Lilac" | 20cm | $22.00 | |
ANIGOZANTHUS "Landscape Orange" | "Landscape Orange" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
ANIGOZANTHUS "Landscape Scarlet" | "Landscape Scarlet" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
ANIGOZANTHUS "Regal Velvet" PBR | "Regal Velvet" PBR | 14cm | $13.90 | |
ANIGOZANTHUS "Ruby Velvet" | "Ruby Velvet" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
ANIGOZANTHUS "Yellow Gem" | Yellow Gem | 14cm | $13.90 | |
ANIGOZANTHUS "flavidus Red" | "flavidus Red" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
ASTARTEA "Scoparia" | "Scoparia" | 20cm | $22.00 | |
ASTARTEA "Winter Pink" | "Winter Pink" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
ASTEROLASIA "Lemon Essence" | "Lemon Essence" | 20cm | $24.90 | |
BACKHOUSIA citriodora "Lemon Myrtle" | citriodora "Lemon Myrtle" | 20cm | $24.90 | |
BAECKEA virgata Compacta "Twiggy Myrtle" | virgata Compacta "Twiggy Myrtle" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
BANKSIA "Giant Candles" | "Giant Candles" | 20cm | $24.90 | |
BANKSIA ericifolia "Heath Banksia" | ericifolia "Heath Banksia" | 20cm | $24.90 | |
BANKSIA ericifolia "Red Rover" | ericifolia "Red Rover" | 20cm | $24.90 | |
BANKSIA grandis "Bull Banksia" | grandis "Bull Banksia" | 6lt | $24.90 | |
BANKSIA media "Golden Stalk Banksia" | media "Golden Stalk Banksia" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
BEAUFORTIA squarosa "Sand Bottle Brush" | squarosa "Sand Bottle Brush" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
BILLARDIERA "Blue Sollya" | "Blue Sollya" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
BORONIA "Brown Boronia" | "Brown Boronia" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
BORONIA "Dark Prince" | "Dark Prince" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
BORONIA "Lipstick" | "Lipstick" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
BRACHYCHITON "Illawarra Flame" | "Illawarra Flame" | 20cm | $24.90 | |
BRACHYSCOME "Blue Moon" | "Blue Moon" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
BRACHYSCOME "Hot Candy" | "Hot Candy" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
BRACHYSCOME "Magenta Bliss" | "Magenta Bliss" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
BRACHYSCOME "Mauve Delight" | "Mauve Delight" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
BRACHYSCOME "Mauve Mystery" | "Mauve Mystery" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
BRACHYSCOME "multifida alba" | "multifida alba" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
CALLISTEMON "Captain Cook" | "Captain Cook" | 20cm | $22.00 | |
CALLISTEMON "Cherry Time" | Cherry Time | 25ltr | $78.00 | |
CALLISTEMON "Hannah Ray" | Hannah Ray | 25lt | 78.00 | |
CALLISTEMON "Hannah Ray" | "Hannah Ray" | 6lt | $24.90 | |
CALLISTEMON "Kings Park Special" | "Kings Park Special" | 6lt | $24.90 | |
CALLISTEMON "Kings Park Special" | "Kings Park Special" | 35lt | $88.00 | |
CALLISTEMON "Little John" | "Little John" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
CALLISTEMON "Macarthur" PBR | "Macarthur" PBR | 20cm | $22.00 | |
CALLISTEMON "Mary Mckillop" | "Mary Mckillop" | 20cm | $24.90 | |
CALLISTEMON "Slim" PBR | "Slim" PBR | 20cm | $24.90 | |
CALLISTEMON "White Anzac" | "White Anzac" | 20cm | $22.00 | |
CALLISTEMON salignus "Willow Bottlebrush" | salignus "Willow Bottlebrush" | 6lt | $24.90 | |
CALLITRIS preisii "Rottnest Island Pine" | preisii "Rottnest Island Pine" | 6lt | $24.90 | |
CALOTHAMNUS hirsutus "Hawkeswood" | hirsutus "Hawkeswood" | 20cm | $22.00 | |
CALOTHAMNUS quadrifidus "Net Bush" | quadrifidus "Net Bush" | 20cm | $22.00 | |
CALOTHAMNUS quadrifidus "Prostrate Form" | quadrifidus "Prostrate Form" | 20cm | $24.90 | |
CAPANIOPSIS "Tuckeroo" | Tuckeroo | 35lt | $104.50 | |
CARPOBROTUS viriscens | viriscens | 14cm | $13.90 | |
CASUARINA cunninghamianna | cunninghamianna | 6lt | $24.90 | |
CASUARINA esquisetifolia "Coastal Sheoak" | esquisetifolia "Coastal Sheoak" | 35lt | $88.00 | |
CASUARINA glauca "Cousin It" | glauca "Cousin It" | 20cm | $22.00 | |
CASUARINA glauca "Cousin It" | glauca "Cousin It" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
CASUARINA glauca "Green Wave" | glauca "Green Wave" | 20cm | $24.90 | |
CERATOPETALUM "Alberys Red" | "Alberys Red" | 20cm | $22.00 | |
CHAMELAUCIUM "My Sweet 16" White, pink and crimson | "My Sweet 16" White, pink and crimson | 20cm | $22.00 | |
CHAMELAUCIUM floriferum "Walpole Wax" | floriferum "Walpole Wax" | 20cm | $22.00 | |
CHRYSOCEPHALUM apiculatum "Silver and Gold" | apiculatum "Silver and Gold" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
CONOSTYLIS candicans | candicans | 14cm | $13.90 | |
CORREA "Catie-Bec" | "Catie-Bec" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
CORREA "Decumbens" | "Decumbens" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
CORREA "Dusky Bells" | "Dusky Bells" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
CORREA "Isabell" | "Isabell" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
CORREA "Ivory Lantern" | "Ivory Lantern" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
CORREA "Tucker Time Dinner Bells" | "Tucker Time Dinner Bells" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
CORREA Alba "Snow Bell" | Alba "Snow Bell" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
CORREA alba | alba | 14cm | $13.90 | |
CORREA alba "Coastal Pink™correa" | alba "Coastal Pink™correa" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
CORYMBIA citriodora "Lemon Scented Gum" | citriodora "Lemon Scented Gum" | 6lt | $24.90 | |
CORYMBIA eximia nana | eximia nana | 6lt | $24.90 | |
CORYMBIA maculata "Spotted Gum" | maculata "Spotted Gum" | 6lt | $24.90 | |
CROWEA "Blushing Star" | "Blushing Star" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
CROWEA "Coopers Classic" | "Coopers Classic" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
CROWEA "Little Rock Star" | "Little Rock Star" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
CROWEA "Mallee Superstar" | "Mallee Superstar" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
CROWEA "Poorinda Ecstasy" | "Poorinda Ecstasy" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
CROWEA "Rosy Star" | "Rosy Star" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
CROWEA "Southern Stars" | "Southern Stars" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
CROWEA "Symphony" | "Symphony" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
CROWEA exalta "Pink" | exalta "Pink" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
CROWEA saligna "Large Fl Form Pink" | saligna "Large Fl Form Pink" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
CUPANIOPSIS "Tuckaroo" | Tuckaroo | 35lt | $104.50 | |
CUPANIOPSIS "Tuckeroo" | Tuckeroo | 6lt | $24.90 | |
CYATHEA cooperi "Australian/Coin Spotted Tree Fern" | cooperi "Australian/Coin Spotted Tree Fern" | 20cm | $26.90 | |
DAMPIERA diversifolia | diversifolia | 14cm | $13.90 | |
DIANELLA "Breeze" caerulea PBR | "Breeze" caerulea PBR | 14cm | $13.90 | |
DIANELLA "Cassa Blue" PBR | "Cassa Blue" PBR | 14cm | $13.90 | |
DIANELLA "Clarity Blue™ " PBR | "Clarity Blue™ " PBR | 14cm | $13.90 | |
DICHONDRA "Silver Falls" | "Silver Falls" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
DICHONDRA repens | repens | 14cm | $13.90 | |
DICHONDRA repens TRAYS | repens TRAYS | 20cm | $29.90 | |
DODONEA viscosa "Mr Green Sheen" | viscosa "Mr Green Sheen" | 20cm | $22.00 | |
DODONEA viscosa purpurea "Purple Hop Bush" | viscosa purpurea "Purple Hop Bush" | 20cm | $24.90 | |
ELAEOCARPUS Reticulatus Blueberry Ash "Prima Donna" | Blueberry Ash "Prima Donna" | 35lt | $104.50 | |
ELAEOCARPUS reticulatus Blueberry Ash "Prima Donna" | reticulatus Blueberry Ash "Prima Donna" | 25lt | $74.90 | |
EREMOPHILA "Blue Horizon™ PBR" | "Blue Horizon™ PBR" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
EREMOPHILA "Kalbarri Carpet" | "Kalbarri Carpet" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
EREMOPHILA "Kalbarri Carpet" | "Kalbarri Carpet" | 20cm | $22.00 | |
EREMOPHILA "Kalbarri Sunset" | "Kalbarri Sunset" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
EREMOPHILA "Red Desert" | "Red Desert" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
EUCALYPTUS Macrandra "Long Flowered Marlock" | Macrandra "Long Flowered Marlock" | 6lt | $24.90 | |
EUCALYPTUS Wandoo | Wandoo | 20cm | $24.90 | |
EUCALYPTUS cinerea | cinerea | 6lt | $24.90 | |
EUCALYPTUS cladocalyx nana "Dwarf Sugar Gum" | cladocalyx nana "Dwarf Sugar Gum" | 6lt | $24.90 | |
EUCALYPTUS diversicolor "Karri" | diversicolor "Karri" | 6lt | $24.90 | |
EUCALYPTUS leucoxylon rosea | leucoxylon rosea | 6lt | $24.90 | |
EUCALYPTUS nicholii "Peppermint Scented Gum" | nicholii "Peppermint Scented Gum" | 6lt | $24.90 | |
EUCALYPTUS sideroxylon rosea | sideroxylon rosea | 6lt | $24.90 | |
EUCALYPUS presanna "Bell Fruited Mallee" | Bell Fruited Mallee | 6lt | $24.90 | |
EUTAXIA obovata nana | "obovata nana" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
FICINIA nodosa "Club Rush" | nodosa "Club Rush" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
GASTRALOBIAN lanceolata Swan River Pea | lanceolata "Swan River Pea" | 20cm | $22.00 | |
GASTROLOBIUM lanceolata "Swan River Pea" | lanceolata "Swan River Pea" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
GREVILLEA rosmarinfolia "Scarlet Sprite" | "Scarlet Sprite" | 20cm | $22.00 | |
GREVILLEA "Amazing Grace" | "Amazing Grace" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
GREVILLEA "Apricot Tingle" | "Apricot Tingle" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
GREVILLEA "Big Foot" | "Big Foot" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
GREVILLEA "Bloodline" | "Bloodline" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
GREVILLEA "Bonnie Prince Charlie" | "Bonnie Prince Charlie" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
GREVILLEA "Carpet Layer" | "Carpet Layer" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
GREVILLEA "Charlies Angel PBR" | "Charlies Angel PBR" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
GREVILLEA "Cherry Cluster™" PBR | "Cherry Cluster™" PBR | 14cm | $13.90 | |
GREVILLEA "Cherry Ripe" | "Cherry Ripe" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
GREVILLEA "Coconut Ice" | "Coconut Ice" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
GREVILLEA "Coconut Ice" | "Coconut Ice" | 20cm | $22.00 | |
GREVILLEA "Crimson Villea™ PBR" | "Crimson Villea™ PBR" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
GREVILLEA "Deua Gold" | "Deua Gold" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
GREVILLEA "Ellendale Pool" | "Ellendale Pool" | 20cm | $22.00 | |
GREVILLEA "FlatAz" | "FlatAz" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
GREVILLEA "FlatAz" | "FlatAz" | 20cm | $22.00 | |
GREVILLEA "Gaudichaudii" | "Gaudichaudii" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
GREVILLEA "Gin Gin Gem" | "Gin Gin Gem" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
GREVILLEA "Gold Cluster™ PBR" | "Gold Cluster™ PBR" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
GREVILLEA "Gold Fever" | "Gold Fever" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
GREVILLEA "Gold Rush" | "Gold Rush" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
GREVILLEA "Gold Rush" | "Gold Rush" | 20cm | $22.00 | |
GREVILLEA "Gold Touch" | "Gold Touch" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
GREVILLEA "Hills Jubilee" | "Hills Jubilee" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
GREVILLEA "Hot Lava" | "Hot Lava" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
GREVILLEA "Juniperiana" prostrate Gold | "Juniperiana" prostrate Gold | 14cm | $13.90 | |
GREVILLEA "Knockout" | "Knockout" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
GREVILLEA "Lemon Daze" | "Lemon Daze" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
GREVILLEA "Lemon Supreme" | "Lemon Supreme" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
GREVILLEA "Loupy Lou" | "Loupy Lou" | 20cm | $24.90 | |
GREVILLEA "Molly" | "Molly" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
GREVILLEA "Molly" | "Molly" | 20cm | $24.90 | |
GREVILLEA "Mt Tamboritha" | "Mt Tamboritha" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
GREVILLEA "Ned Kelly" | "Ned Kelly" | 20cm | $24.90 | |
GREVILLEA "New Blood" | "New Blood" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
GREVILLEA "Panrock Princess" | "Panrock Princess" | 20cm | $24.90 | |
GREVILLEA "Pink Nectar" | "Pink Nectar" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
GREVILLEA "RSL Spirit of Anzac" | "RSL Spirit of Anzac" | 20cm | $24.90 | |
GREVILLEA "Red Robin" | "Red Robin" | 20cm | $24.90 | |
GREVILLEA "Robyn Gordon" | "Robyn Gordon" | 20cm | $22.00 | |
GREVILLEA "Scarlet Moon PBR" | "Scarlet Moon PBR" | 20cm | $24.90 | |
GREVILLEA "Seaspray" | "Seaspray" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
GREVILLEA "Silver Dawn" | "Silver Dawn" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
GREVILLEA "Strawberry Pops" | "Strawberry Pops" | 20cm | $24.90 | |
GREVILLEA "Superb" | "Superb" | 20cm | $24.90 | |
GREVILLEA "Winter Delight" | "Winter Delight" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
GREVILLEA "Woolly Bear Hero" | "Woolly Bear Hero" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
GREVILLEA "barklyana" Gully Grevillea | "barklyana" Gully Grevillea | 20cm | $24.90 | |
GREVILLEA "longistyla" | "longistyla" | 20cm | $24.90 | |
GREVILLEA "obtusifolia" | "obtusifolia" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
GREVILLEA Sunkissed | "Sunkissed" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
GREVILLEA olivacea "Apricot Glow" | olivacea "Apricot Glow" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
GREVILLEA olivacea "Red" | olivacea "Red" | 20cm | $22.00 | |
GREVILLEA olivacea "Red" | olivacea "Red" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
GREVILLEA olivacea "Yellow" | olivacea "Yellow" | 20cm | $22.00 | |
GREVILLEA olivacea "red thin Leaf form" | olivacea "red thin Leaf form" | 14cm | $13.90 | |
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